Hollywood, Organic

Catch me if you can

Some interesting organic + designed alphanumerics behind this event/film.

I watched this film for the first time on 3/29, and finished watching it on 3/30 or 3/31. I finished right around midnight when it turned to 3/31. Incidentally, the main character in the film was captured on 3/3/1970:

The date I finished the film, 3/31/2022, was 19022 days after the date that Frank Abagnale was captured, in the film:

The above code is written in inverse. Another inverse is in the following:

I began watching the film 7041 days (1005 weeks 6 days…) after it released in the US. DiCaprio’s age when I finished watching the film was 47 years 140 days:

The film released 1774 weeks 1 day after Frank was released from prison. DiCaprio was born in ‘74:

DiCaprio was born 1714 days after Abagnale was captured:

So I was watching the film around 3/30, right? Abagnale was captured on 3/3, which is the day leaving 303 days left in the year. Thirty three = 156 and I watched the film 1005 weeks 6 days after it released in the US…

The 33rd prime is 137:

The film premiered for the first time on 12/18 at a film festival, a few days before the official US release. On that date, DiCaprio was 1466 weeks old:

Hollywood, Organic

Fargo – 3/15/2022

Today was the first time I started watching the series Fargo, season 1.

“A salesman makes his own wins…”

Today is the 74th day of the year, and it’s been 7 years 47 weeks since season 1 premiered. One of the main characters of the show, played by actor Billy Bob Thornton, was 704 months 11 days old when the show premiered. Not only that… But the namesake of the town Fargo, William Fargo, was born 74,444 days before the day I watched the show for the first time…

47 is the 15th prime number, and today is the 15th day of the month.

How old was one of the most recognizable names of the show when the series first aired? Martin Freeman was exactly 2223 weeks old. When the series concluded, he was exactly 2232 weeks old. For another interesting long count. The series concluded when the namesake of the town of Fargo (in North Dakota), William Fargo, would have been exactly 10231 weeks old:

This show appeared on the FX network, and it premiered when the network was exactly 1037 weeks old:

Amazingly, yesterday, Martin Freeman was 606 months 6 days old + The state of North Dakota was 6096 weeks old. What makes this amazing, however, is that yesterday was Pi Day (3/14). And the sum of the first 144 numbers of π is 666:

And would you look at how old FX network is today?


At the end of episode 1, the chief of Police is killed by the hands of Billy Bob Thornton + Martin Freeman = 340 (their characters). The chief lived in house number 340.

In episode 2, Thornton’s character goes to see a man named Stavros whose being blackmailed. The specific amount the blackmailer is asking for, $43,613, peaks Thornton’s interest. He asks Stavros why it’s so specific. When he finds the blackmailer in episode, it turns out it’s for a Turkish bath. Anyway, 43,613 is the 4545th prime number, which is apt considering who was being blackmailed.

Fargo is a small town located in the state of North Dakota. If we measure from the date ND was admitted to the union to the date of the premier of the series, we get an amazing figure:

In episode 3 we see Billy Bob Thornton’s character drag someone by his tie to presumably kill him. This happens on 1/18, or 8 years 88 days before the premier date of the series:

Needless to state, the date 1/18 is important in and of itself:

On Martin Freeman’s fridge, it says this phrase:


Mary Kay Ash vs. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

Hmm… For a while now I’ve thought about the connection of these people and how the business woman tycoon, Mary Kay Ash, was the namesake of the Olsen twins. Time to see what connections they foster, numerologically.

Firstly, let’s observe that Mary Kay Ash passed away at the age of 1002 months 10 days old, and the song Niggas in Paris by Kanye West (which name drops the Olsen twins) released 1120 months 1 day after Mary-Kay Ash’s birth:

Mary Kay Ash’s age when twins were born was 3552 weeks and 5 days, which lines up perfectly with the fibonacci code (1,2,3,5) as well as the companies wholesale volume as shown on the Wiki front page:

There is a song by Kanye West, Niggas in Paris, in which he name drops mary-kate and Ashley. That song, incidentally, released on 9/13/11, which was the same date as the founding of the Cosmetics company by Mary Kay Ash. The song released exactly 48 years after the founding of the company (see below)

The song released on 33 numerology, and the twins’ age when the song released was exactly 303 months old:

Mary Kay Ash died on 33 numerology, and the 33rd prime is 137:


Saudi Arabia’s largest mass execution of 81

This execution took place on Saturday 3/12.

Since they specifically mentioned that attack and execution in the second paragraph of that article, there must be another reason. Lo and behold, this current execution took place 2200 weeks 3 days after that execution:

Measuring from the 2016 execution to the current execution we get some fascinating numbers, though nothing that is surprisingly at all:

Not only that, but when we measure from the 1980 execution to the 2019 execution, we also find a similar number present:
